February 26, 2015 @ Rexdale Community Hub
This half-day event brought together representatives from agencies in the West Toronto region to learn, network and exchange strategies for more effective client referrals.
The afternoon included two presentations on strategies for supporting the Information & Referral capacity of frontline staff:
- Faed Hendry, FindHelp/211 Toronto
Supporting Effective Referrals - Theresa Polyakov, OCASI/Settlement.org
I&R and Professional Development
These were followed presentations on three ‘promising practices’ – innovative approaches to coordinated Information & Referral:
- Lisa Kostakis, Albion Neighbourhood Services
FOCUS Rexdale - Tsering Norzom, Parkdale Intercultural Association
Parkdale Interagency Referral Network - Trudy Beaulne, Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo
Building Local Information Supports for Ontario Newcomers
Following the presentations, participants of the forum were invited to engage in table discussions centred around three questions:
- Does your agency formally track external referrals? What system or strategies could agencies use to follow-up on client referrals?
- What strategies have you or your agency used to support frontline workers’ knowledge and capacity around Information & Referral?
- Many agencies are under pressure to meet targets that may be linked to funding. Do targets influence inter-agency referral practices? How can agencies build stronger collaborative relationships that facilitate client-centred referrals?
Each table shared key points from their discussion with the larger group.
The afternoon ended with a door prize draw with three lucky winners!
A big ‘thank you’ to the speakers, volunteers, forum participants and the members of the TWLIP Service Coordination Action Group, who planned and organized the event.
Additional resources from the forum:
Speaker Biographies