February 28, 2019 @ COSTI Immigrant Services
On February 28th 2019, the Toronto West Local Immigration Partnership (TWLIP) delivered an event titled “Future of Workforce Integration” at COSTI Immigrant Services. This event was an initiative of TWLIP’s Employment Resources Connections Action Group . Approximately 55 front-line settlement and employment workers were in attendance.
The “Future of Workforce Integration” was a half day event targeted for front-line staff from within the Employment and Settlement Sectors. It provided opportunities for the participants to learn about innovative models and promising practices that agencies are currently using to assist newcomers in entering the Canadian workforce and to network with other participants from both the employment and settlement sectors.
The event began with an inspiring presentation from Dr. Mohamed Fakih, CEO and Founder of Paramount Foods, a newcomer and immigrant who had faced various types of challenges coming to Canada but later found success. Dr. Fakih shared his journey to Canada, he also spoke about the importance of having a diverse workforce and leveraging newcomers’ unique talents.
The second keynote speaker was Jake Hirsch-Allen, Higher Education Lead at LinkedIn. Jake spoke about breaking down the barriers of accessing education for newcomers and immigrants using technology, and provided practical advice on how employment sector frontline staff can better support service users.
The event also included “cracker barrel” presentations from the following three guest speakers:
- Otis Mushonga, Manager of Programs, ACCESS Community Capital Fund
Presentation title: Relaunch Your Career in Canada with a Foreign Credential Recognition Loan.
- Reena Bhuchar, Job Developer/Group Facilitator, Rexdale Women’s Centre
Presentation title: Newcomer Integration Strategies and how to excel in the Canadian Workforce
- Monina Navarrete, founder and CEO Lil Hearts Daycare Centre
Presentation title: Overcoming Job search Struggles, and the strategies she used to launch her own business
Based on the feedback from the event, participants strongly felt that the session was informative and inspiring with the opportunity to network with like-minded and passionate individuals who are passionate about supporting newcomers with their employment needs.
- Action Group and Staff Members
- Registration Table
- Rebecca Newton – Event Emcee
- Peter Paul – Event Emcee
- Presentation of the Flyer Bank
- Peter Paul welcomed Dr. Fakih
- Dr. Fakih, CEO of Paramount Fine Foods delivered a keynote speech
- A keynote address from Jake Hirsch-Allen, Higher Education Lead at LinkedIn
- Peter Paul & Gerard Keledjian
- Cracker Barrel Presenter – Otis Mushonga, Manager of Programs, ACCESS Community Capital Fund
- Cracker Barrel Presenter – Reena Bhuchar, Job Developer/Group Facilitator, Rexdale Women’s Centre
- Cracker Barrel Presenters and the Emcee
- Action Group and Staff Members