February 13, 2018 @ Next-Steps Employment Centre (Donswiew)
A very successful event facilitated by TWLIP’s Employment Resource Connections Action Group for employment sector front-line workers was held on February 13, 2018 at the Next-Steps Employment Centre, Downsview.
The highlight of the event was an informative presentation by guest speaker Gerard Keledjian, the founder and Executive Producer of New Canadians TV show, OMNI – a national television and web-based series dedicated to Canadian newcomers. Gerard spoke about networking, creative outreach strategies and how to engage with ethnic media.
After the presentation, Gerard facilitated a Q and A session to provide additional guidance to attendees on how to effectively reach out to potential clients.
The event began with the formal launch and demonstration of the TWLIP Flyer Bank, which will allow front-line staff to view and distribute all employment-related information, including upcoming trainings, job fairs and information sessions in the Toronto west area. After viewing the Flyer Bank Introduction Video, attendees were given the opportunity to personally test the Flyer Bank in the Next-Steps’ computer lounge.
The event additionally featured a “Networking Bingo” activity, which provided a fun, interactive forum for front-line staff to engage with each other and learn about their respective services.
Over all the event was a success and the feedback received from attendees has been very positive, with over 90% of participants who submitted the feedback form indicated that the event was either excellent or good.
Event Pictures
- Pre workshop networking
- Welcome and Opening by Meghan & Wilf
- Participants shared outreach challenges
- Bingo Networking
- Special Guest Speaker – Gerard Keledjian on Networking and Creative Outreach Strategies
- Launch of the Flyer Bank
- Postcard to promote the Flyer Bank was shared with participants
- Thanking Gerard