Welcome! There are many free programs and services to support you and your family as you settle in Toronto. Use the menu on the left to find information about English classes, employment, health services, child care, education and getting involved in your community.
To locate specific organizations and services near you, use the Services Directory.
If you need more assistance, contact 211Toronto. Using your phone, dial 2-1-1.
Opportunities for Newcomers:
Volunteer Toronto – Newcomer Volunteering Opportunities:
Career Edge – A non-profit organization that provides paid work experiences to launch the careers of internationally-trained professionals and others
Federal Internship for Newcomers Program – Canadian government program for casual, temporary Canadian work experience and training opportunities with federal government departments and other public and private sector organizations
Mentoring Programs
Profession to Profession – This City of Toronto mentoring program for immigrants responds to employment barriers faced by skilled immigrants in Toronto by engaging City staff in mentoring new immigrants who have training in related fields/occupations.
The Mentoring Partnership – This program brings together recent skilled immigrants and established professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships.
Bridging Programs – Ontario Government
Ontario Bridge Training programs help skilled newcomers get their license or certificate in their profession or trade, so that they can work in Ontario.
Boards of Directors
DiverseCity – Seeks diverse volunteers to fill board member positions for a variety of organizations.
Useful Links:
- Immigration and Citizenship
- Housing
- Health
- Employment
- Education
- Community and Recreation
- Legal Services
- Daily Life
- Volunteering
Also includes discussion boards, news, and service directories.
Guide to social services in Toronto including child care, community legal services, home support, low-income housing, immigration, employment, and community programs.
City of Toronto – Toronto Newcomer Initiative – Information, programs, services, and pilot projects geared towards encouraging and increasing the participation of newcomers in the life of the city and their community.
Government of Canada’s official Citizenship and Immigration website.
Ontario Work Info Network – a list of websites relevant to newcomers and immigrants seeking work.
Programs and services for newcomers across the city, including primary health care, community health programs, translation and interpretation services and settlement services. Also, specific services for immigrant women, families, youth and LGTBQ residents.
The 519 Community Centre offers services and supports for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or queer immigrants and refugees and BREAKTHROUGH: a network of LGBTQ newcomers who care about making Toronto a better place, organizes events that are safe spaces to connect with people, have fun and get information for LGBTQ Newcomers.